M uscles
T opography
S ections
Vessets and nerves of the neck and the upper thoracic aperture
M, longus capitis •
M scalenus médius •
M. scalenus anterior
Truncus médius
M scalenus
A, vertebralis •
Truncus thyrocervicalis •
A.; V. cervicalis profunda • •
A.; V. thoracica interna • •
V cava superior •
Vertebra cervicalis III
Plexus brachiaiis
Truncus inferior
Ganglion cerv>cothorac»cum
Ansa subclavia
Costa I
Lig longitudinale anterius
• Truncus brachiocephalicus
• Vv brachiocephalicae
dextra et sinistra
R interganglionaris
Truncus sympathicus, ?
Ganglion cervicale medium
N phrenicus i-i
V. vertebralis 4
Vertebra cervicalis VII, Proc transversus
Fig. 267
Vessels and nerves at the transition
from the neck to the thorax.
The numbers IV—VIII indicate ventral branches of the
corresponding spinal nerves.
-> 66, T 7, T 26
Fig. 268 a-d
Variations in the origin of the vertebral artery,
A. vertebralis.